Marietta Proclaims September 2021 to be Mighty Millie Month
City of Marietta Mayor Steve Thunder Tumlin and Councilman Johnny Walker make Mighty Millie Month proclamation.
🎗September is officially Mighty Millie Month in the City of Marietta!🎗
Yesterday, our girl was honored so beautifully by her town. Family and friends gathered in her yellow garden to join Mayor Steve Thunder Tumlin and Councilman Johnny Walker as they made the official proclamation. September 2021 is #MightyMillieMonth in the City of Marietta! The proclamation is so beautiful, honoring Millie as one of Marietta’s youngest and most courageous citizens. We got to spend great time sharing about our girl, her love for life, and her valiant and unreal fight with rhabdomyosarcoma.
You should be here, Millie. And for that, we will never stop shining your light. Our shero.
Our family is so touched. A deep-hearted thank you to our city, friends, and neighbors for standing with us in the fight against #childhoodcancer. Thank you for honoring Millie with this incredible proclamation. She would have been running through the garden yesterday, so excited to visit with each of you, and so unbelievably excited about this honor.
What a kick-off to special month. We are looking forward to a September full of joy.
May we lean on Millie’s words:
I am strong.
I am brave.
I am kind.
I am a daughter of the King.
I have stories to tell.
I am changing the world.
Together, forever, we fight childhood cancer.🎗
Read the Proclamation
We Go Gold for Mighty Millie
See how to participate in Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.
Together, forever, we fight!