Together, Forever,
We Fight
Childhood Cancer
Serving organic freezer popsicles wherever childhood cancer treatment is ongoing.
Funding childhood cancer research for more effective and less toxic treatment options in honor of Millie.
Mighty Millie Popsicle Project
Serving organic freezer popsicles wherever childhood cancer treatment is ongoing to create small moments of big joy.
Serving 135 childhood cancer treatment centers nationwide.
Mighty Millie Updates

I am kind. I am brave.
I am a daughter of the King.
I am changing the world.
Mighty Millie Foundation Mission
Bring community together to create awareness, funding, resources, and research to fight childhood cancer.

Amelia “Millie” Claire Mracek
June 26, 2017 - February 8, 2021
Host a Popsicle Stand
Help fund popsicle donations to childhood cancer hospitals and treatment centers by hosting a popsicle stand. Donations go to popsicle project, research, and supporting other nonprofits we love.